Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Many of us are watching the war between Russia and Ukraine. If you are like me , you are horrified by what you are seeing on tv. And if you are also like me you feel helpless to do anything for the Ukrainian people who have lost everything. I pray for those people nightly but I still wonder what can this chubby, grey haired old gal do to help. I am inspired by the courage of the Ukrainian people ( regular everyday people) fighting for their freedom. The beer company that started making molotov cocktails, ordinary shopkeepers and citizens picking up AK- 47 rifles to fight and fathers dropping their families off in Poland and turning back around to fight for their country, They fight for their freedom against seemingly insurmountable odds. And by the grace of God they are holding on and they are showing all of us that freedom is worth fighting for,

As a graduate of Ursuline Academy in San Antonio - I learned the Ursuline sisters are working in Ukraine and Poland to help those still in Ukraine and those who are now refugees in Poland. I also know that money I have donated will go to those in need and not be wasted or used for anything else other than helping to feed, cloth and give medical services to these people who have lost everything. 

If you would like to help - go the Ursuline Sisters Central Province and donate. They would appreciate the financial help and I know the sisters would also appreciate your prayers. Donate at

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